SMY133-SMY134-SMP133 Operating Manual Recorded Values Aggregation
All of measured and evaluated data can be optionally archived into the instrument's memory. The
record period is presetable in a wide range and aggregated data are archived.
The shortest aggregation interval is 0.2 s while the longest configurable interval is 2 hours. If
aggregation interval below 1 minute is selected then evaluation is aggregated according to cycle count
at actual frequency. For intervals longer than one minute the aggregation is carried out according to a
real time tick.
Where applicable not only the average value but minimum and maximum values over aggregation
interval can be stored too.
4.3.3 Embedded Electricity Meter
For electric energy measurement, stand-alone unit –
electricity meter
- is implemented inside
instruments. Energies are evaluated in compliance of the IEC 62053-24 standard : active energy from
full harmonic spectrum and reactive energy from the fundamental harmonic component only.
Except of electric energy, maximum active power demands are registered in the unit. Electric Energy Processing
Measured values of electrical energy are recorded separately in four quadrants : active energy (
consumed (
, import), active energy supplied (
, export), reactive energy (
) inductive (
) and
reactive energy capacitive (
). Both single-phase and three-phase energies are processed.
In addition, three-phase energies are evaluated in three preset tariff zones ( time of use ). The actual
tariff can be controlled either by an actual RTC time using preset tariff zone table with one hour
resolution or by an external signal through a digital input.
Internal energy counters have sufficient capacity in order not to overflow during the whole instrument
lifetime. On the instrument's display only 9 digits can be viewed – therefore, after energy value
exceeds 999999999 kWh/kvarh, instrument's display format automatically switches to MWh/Mvarh,
then to GWh/Gvarh.
The electricity meter data can be periodically archived with a preset registering interval into the
instruments memory and can be analysed later after being downloaded into a PC. Standard Energy Presentation
Electricity meter energy data are situated in a separated group of screens, which is accessible via the
main menu.
As default , so called
branch is displayed (at the left on the map). The 1
screen shows actual
three-phase energies registered since last clearing up to now for all tariff zones (
) :
... imported active energy
… exported active energy
… imported reactive energy ( inductive,
… exported reactive energy ( capacitive,
Scrolling down, individual phase energies can be checked too.
Navigating to the right you get into the
branch. This presentation brings individual reactive
energies registered during active power import and export, that can be useful especially for monitoring
of renewable sources. For example :
… registered, when three-phase active power
is positive (+ = import)
… registered, when three-phase active power 3P is negative (- = export)