Stand Mixer Service Manual LIT4177310-C 2005 KitchenAid
Appendix B-2
Mixer runs only on high speed.
Control plate spring unhooked.
Remove end cover and check control plate spring.
If unhooked, reattach to bottom of the control plate
(check hook on end - rebend if necessary).
Phase control shorted.
With the line cord disconnected, pull the T-bar
contacts open and insert a piece of paper between
them so they can not close. Reapply power; the
mixer should just run or buzz trying to run. If it
operates at full speed, the phase control is defective.
Wires connected wrong.
Check wiring.
Mixer runs with a jerking clattering
Loose connections on the
Check connections on the control board to make
noise on low speed.
control board.
certain they are tight.
Tight shim on vertical shaft between
Tight bearing.
First remove the planetary to check the beater shaft
planetary and lower gear case.
bearing in the planetary. If the beater shaft can be
See item "V" - Section 4
easily moved back and forth with a twisting effort,
it is satisfactory. If it binds, replace the planetary.
If it checks okay, recheck the mixer without it. If the
mixer still uses excessive watts, it must be
disassembled and the other bearings checked.
Loud rumbling or howling noise.
Worn spherical bearing on the
Remove bearing bracket and replace.
end of the armature shaft.
Worn armature thrust bearing.
Replace the thrust ball bearing on the armature.
Mixer runs, but will not come up to high
Tight bearing, if no smoke is
First remove the planetary to check the beater shaft
speed. Has power, but labors and uses
bearing in the planetary. If the beater shaft can be
excessive watts.
easily moved back and forth with a twisting effort,
it is satisfactory. If it binds, replace the planetary.
If it checks okay, recheck the mixer without it. If the
mixer still uses excessive watts, it must be
disassembled and the other bearings checked.
Armature shimmed too tight.
Overheated armature, if the mixer
Dissemble the motor and replace the armature
See item "J "- Section 3
Mixer will not shut off with switch lever.
Switch not correctly adjusted with
Bend the fixed contact on the control board until the