Warranty Certificate
This warranty is null & void, if you fail to register the warranty with
KisanKraft by sending the KisanKraft Copy with dealer’s stamp.
: +91.80.22178200
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Put the main clutch control lever to the
“disengaged” position so that the Intercultivator
stops working.
Press down with your right thumb the auxiliary
control lever for the disengagement of the
clutch, and you can control the disengagement
of the main clutch without taking your hand off
the handle.
Pull the throttle control lever to the “low”
Turn off the electric starter switch and stop the
Turn off the fuel on/off switch.
Loading and Unloading:
Choose a flat place where there is no potential danger.
Use a stepping board that meets the specifications.
Length: Atleast 3.5times as long as the height of the truck body.
Width: Matching the width of the truck
Strength: Sufficient to withstand the weight of this machine.
Surface: Treated so that it is not slippery.
The stepping board and the truck
body should be positioned correctly.
The left and right tires must be
located at a distance from the edges
of the stepping board. Put this
machine on the stepping board and
loading or unloading may begin.
For loading, the speed should be set
at the step of “forward 1” and for
unloading at the step of “backward 1”.
When the machine is put on a running
truck, it must be securely bound with
a strong rope. Its wheels must be
stopped with wedges to prevent it
from moving.