© ⅯⅯⅩⅢ Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 130318002
Chapter 8 - Face Port
Kirby Morgan
The face port should be replaced anytime cracks are
present or anytime nicks and scratches deeper than
" are present or anytime the condition is question-
Never use aerosol-
propelled sprays
near the face port
of the Kirby Morgan
37SS. The propel-
lant used in these
aerosols can invisi-
bly damage the face
port and cause it to
shatter upon impact
from any strong
blow. If the face port
fails underwater,
the helmet will flood
and drowning may
8.5.2 Face Port, Port Retainer, and Nose
Block Device Removal
Tools Required:
Open-end Wrench
Flat Blade Attachment on Torque Screwdriver
Slip Joint Pliers and a Rag or cloth
NOTE: Wrap a rag around the nose block knob
while removing to prevent chrome damage when
turning with pliers.
1) First remove the nose block device knob then the
packing nut and slip the o-rings off the nose block
2) Pull the nose block device out through the interior
of the oral/nasal mask.
4) Next, unscrew the eleven port retainer screws and
four whisker screws with kidney plates and spacers.
Pull the retainer clear of the helmet shell.
Remove the screws that secure the port retainer.
5) Be sure not to lose the small o-ring that is located
on the back side of the port retainer at the nose block
device packing.
6) The four whisker spacers must not be misplaced.
They will usually be found lodged in the whisker.
whisker spacer
Don't misplace the whisker spacers.
7) Remove the old port and sealing o-ring.