Turn parameters
Pre-turn time (s)
Time from ‘go’ to median gait event of TUG test
Post-turn time (s)
Time from median gait event of TUG to end of test
Ratio of pre-turn to post-turn
Ratio of Time from ‘go’ to median gait event of TUG to Time from median event of TUG to end of test
Time taken to turn (s)
Time taken to turn
Number of strides in turn
Number of steps in turn
Turn steps/time ratio
Ratio of the number of steps taken to turn to the time taken to turn
Angular velocity parameters
Forward rotation speed at turn
time (deg/s)
Angular velocity in sagittal plane at median gait event of TUG test
Range of peak forward rotation
speed (deg/s)
Range of angular velocity in the sagittal plane at mid-swing over entire walk
Average peak forward rotation
speed (deg/s)
Average angular velocity in the sagittal plane at mid-swing over entire walk
Minimum side-to-side rotation
speed (deg/s)
Minimum angular velocity in the side-to-side direction during the assessment
Maximum side-to-side rotation
speed (deg/s)
Maximum angular velocity in the side-to-side direction during the assessment