10. Parameter definition
Definition of mobility paramters produced by QTUG.
Falls risk estimate (%)
Statistical risk of falling (defined for community dwelling older adults over 60 years of age)
TUG recording time (s)
Time to complete TUG test
Temporal gait parameters
Time taken to stand (s)
Time from ‘Go’ to first heel strike or toe-off point
Number of gait cycles
Number of gait cycles in total test
Number of steps
Number of steps in TUG test
Cadence (steps/min)
Average number of steps taken per minute during test
Walk time (s)
Time from first to last heel-strike or toe-off point - time patient actually spends in locomotion during TUG test
Average swing time (s)
Average swing time over all gait cycles, averaged across both legs, swing time is defined as the time
between a toe-off point and the heel strike point on the same foot.
Average stance time (s)
Average stance time over all gait cycles, stance time is defined as the time between a heel-strike and toe-
off point on the same foot