Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH
INDUSAIL SONIC active acoustic sail system
Technical modifications reserved
- E1909_08/21
INDUSAIL SONIC plus function description
The fan draws ambient air into the unit via a filter cell and channels it through the heat exchanger. The air is cooled by the
cold water flowing within the heat exchanger. The cooled secondary air is then introduced into the room from four sides,
in a highly inductive, draught-free manner, through Kiefer air diffusers, type INDUL P18. The filter cell protects the internal
components from soiling.
The supply water temperature
must be calculated to ensure
that no condensation forms
during correct operation.
As an option, it is possible to feed preconditioned outdoor air into the sail via an air
connection (DN 125). This outdoor air is used to maintain the intended minimum outdoor
air flow rate for the room (DIN EN ISO 15251).
The air flow rate, sound power and caloric output are important considerations for the unit
design. The caloric output of the units is determined by the amount of water – controlled,
for example, by a water valve – and the speed of fan rotation. The fan speed is controlled
by regulating an EC motor with a 0 to 10 V (DC) signal from a controller or the building
management system. The sound power of the unit is determined by the speed of fan
rotation and the air flow rate.
INDUSAIL SONIC is a flexible acoustic sail with
integral fan coil for ambient air conditioning. It
supports the most common types of lighting thanks
to its high light reflectance value > 90 %. The recircu
lation air or mixed air is induced via highly inductive
linear diffusers, with an optional fresh air intake to
improve the ambient air quality. By combining active
and inactive components, the requirements of diffe
rent office concepts can be fulfilled, even in the event
of future changes.