Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH
INDUSAIL SONIC active acoustic sail system
Technical modifications reserved
- E1909_08/21
Product range
Linear diffusers, wall passages, ceiling diffusers and displacement outlets, chilled ceilings, fan coil units, transfer grilles,
concrete core cooling with supply air. Axial and radial fans, hot gas fans, plastic fans.
Ventilation systems of all kinds for comfort (in offices, department stores, hospitals, libraries, museums, etc.) and industry
(mechanical engineering, high-tech, textiles, plastics, chemicals, automotive, beverages, food industry, etc.).
Consulting and planning:
We advise on all questions regarding the use of our systems and prepare system studies and cost estimates with
calculations of the cooling load / piping networks / energy costs / economic efficiency. Preparation of structural proposals
for air distribution, lighting and ceiling systems. Lighting calculations using state of the art software tools. Development
and implementation of control concepts in our own ICE (instrumentation & control engineering) department. We apply the
knowledge we have gained from numerous construction projects to product innovations and new projects.
Air conditioning laboratory:
Expert reports; ambient air flow analyses in the laboratory in 1:1 tests. Acoustic and aerodynamic investigation of
ventilation components. Development of innovative air conditioning components. Caloric output measurement of air or
water components on the test bench. On-site comfort measurements to assess thermal comfort and ambient air quality.
Maintenance and servicing
of all types of ventilation and air conditioning systems within the framework of maintenance service contracts.
Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH
Heilbronner Straße 380-388
70469 Stuttgart
Tel49 (0)711 / 81 09-0
Email: [email protected]
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