Keysight M9391A PXIe Signal Analyzer & M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator 1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
Self Test Failure
If the Self Test does not pass for any of the multi-module instruments, the test
indicates which module is likely to need service. However, you should return all
modules (except the M9300A) and all cables for that particular instrument. All
component modules for an M9381A or M9391A MMI are factory tested and
calibrated as a "bundle". It is important that you maintain the bundle when
returning an MMI for repair.
To ensure that you send in the group of modules that was reported in a Self Test
failure, go to
to view this screen:
Utilities > Calibration Options...
The string pointed out in this image is the Cal ID. The first 10 characters represent
the Unique ID and the remaining characters show the modules (and their serial
numbers) that constitute the M9381A or M9391A instrument. A Certificate of
Calibration for that instrument contains the same information. Additionally, you
may see this same information from the SFP by using
Help > About
Return an Instrument for Service
It is important that no signal is present at the RF Input of the Keysight M9350A
PXIe Downconverter when doing a Self Test. If a signal is present, it may result
in a false failure.