Keysight M9391A PXIe Signal Analyzer & M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator 1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
Power up the Controller
If you are using a remote controller and you have installed the interface cable,
you must power up the chassis
you power up the PC. When you power
down your chassis, Shut Down the PC
you power down the chassis.
If you are using an embedded controller, complete the following steps:
Install the embedded controller module into the compatible chassis. The
Keysight M9036A/M9037A PXIe Embedded Controller and Keysight M9018
/M9019A PXIe Chassis are recommended. Please refer to the embedded
controller and chassis documentation for further details.
Connect peripherals (mouse, keyboard, monitor).
Power up the chassis.
Software Installation Overview
This installation includes the following:
Keysight IO Libraries Suite (version 2019 U1 or newer), which includes the
Keysight Connection Expert. The latest IO Libraries Suite software is
available at
. This software must be installed
The Keysight Instrument Control DVD, which includes the IO
Libraries Suite software, is no longer shipped with Keysight
instruments. If you require a Keysight Instrument Control DVD, it
can be ordered by contacting your local Keysight Customer
Contact Center.
Instrument software, which includes the soft front panel (SFP), device
drivers (IVI-C, IVI-COM, and LabVIEW G) and documentation for the
M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator and M9391A PXIe Vector Signal
Analyzer. This software is included with your shipment and is also available
Software Installation Procedure
Install the Keysight IO Libraries Suite. Follow the installer prompts to install
the IO libraries.