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DC Current and Other DC Functions
24 Hour
Tacal 1 °C
90 Days
Tacal 5 °C
1 Year
Tacal 5 °C
2 year
Tacal 5 °C
Coefficient /°C
Accuracy ± (% of r % of range)
Characteristics - typical: DC current
1 uA
0.017 + 0.005
0.040 + 0.005
0.050 + 0.005
0.060 + 0.005
0.0020 + 0.0010
10 uA
0.015 + 0.002
0.040 + 0.002
0.050 + 0.002
0.060 + 0.002
0.0015 + 0.0006
100 uA
0.012 + 0.001
0.040 + 0.001
0.050 + 0.001
0.060 + 0.001
0.0015 + 0.0004
Specifications: DC current
1 mA
0.007 + 0.003
0.030 + 0.005
0.050 + 0.005
0.060 + 0.005
0.0015 + 0.0005
10 mA
0.007 + 0.020
0.030 + 0.020
0.050 + 0.020
0.060 + 0.020
0.0020 + 0.0020
100 mA
0.010 + 0.004
0.030 + 0.005
0.050 + 0.005
0.060 + 0.005
0.0020 + 0.0005
0.050 + 0.006
0.070 + 0.010
0.080 + 0.010
0.100 + 0.010
0.0050 + 0.0010
Characteristics - Typical: Diode Test
5 V
0.002 + 0.010
0.008 + 0.010
0.010 + 0.010
0.012 + 0.020
0.0010 + 0.0010
Specifications: AC voltage
True RMS AC Voltage
6, 7
100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, and 100 V ranges
3 Hz – 5 Hz
0.50 + 0.02
0.50 + 0.02
0.50 + 0.02
0.50 + 0.02
0.010 + 0.003
5 Hz – 10 Hz
0.10 + 0.02
0.10 + 0.02
0.10 + 0.02
0.11 + 0.02
0.008 + 0.003
10 Hz – 20 kHz
0.02 + 0.02
0.04 + 0.02
0.05 + 0.02
0.06 + 0.02
0.007 + 0.003
20 kHz – 50 kHz
0.05 + 0.03
0.06 + 0.03
0.07 + 0.03
0.08+ 0.03
0.010 + 0.005
50 kHz – 100 kHz
0.15 + 0.05
0.15 + 0.05
0.15 + 0.05
0.15 + 0.05
0.060 + 0.008
100 kHz – 300 kHz
1.00 + 0.1
1.00 + 0.1
1.00 + 0.1
1.00 + 0.1
0.200 + 0.020
300 V range
3 Hz – 5 Hz
0.50 + 0.05
0.50 + 0.06
0.50 + 0.06
0.50 + 0.06
0.010 + 0.008
5 Hz – 10 Hz
0.10 + 0.05
0.10 + 0.06
0.10 + 0.06
0.11 + 0.06
0.010 + 0.008
10 Hz – 20 kHz
0.02 + 0.05
0.04 + 0.06
0.05 + 0.06
0.06 + 0.06
0.010 + 0.008
20 kHz – 50 kHz
0.05 + 0.09
0.06 + 0.09
0.07 + 0.09
0.08+ 0.09
0.010 + 0.0012
50 kHz – 100 kHz
0.15 + 0.15
0.15 + 0.15
0.15 + 0.15
0.15 + 0.15
0.060 + 0.020
100 kHz – 300 kHz
1.00 + 0.3
1.00 + 0.3
1.00 + 0.3
1.00 + 0.3
0.200 + 0.050
Specifications: True RMS AC current
7, 8
100 uA, 1 mA, 10 mA, 100 mA, 1 A ranges
3 Hz – 5 kHz
0.07 + 0.04
0.09+ 0.04
0.10+ 0.04
0.10 + 0.04
0.015 + 0.006
5 kHz – 10 kHz (typical)
0.10 + 0.04
0.10 + 0.04
0.10 + 0.04
0.10 + 0.04
0.030 + 0.006
Specifications are for 60-minute warm-up, integration setting of 10 or 100 NPLC, auto-zero on, AC slow filter. ACAL run within the last 2 days & 901 module connectivity.
2. 20% over range on all ranges, except 300 VDC, 300 VAC, 1 ADC, 1 AAC, and diode test have 0%.
3. Relative to calibration standards. 24 hrs spec only applicable when calibrated with the same DAQM901 module that is being used to verify spec.
4. Specifications are for the voltage measured at the input terminals. The 1 mA test current is typical. Variation in the current source will create some variation in the voltage
drop across a diode junction.
5. Add this for each °C outside Tcal
5 °C.
6. Specifications are for sinewave input >0.3% of range and > 1 mVrms. For the 300 Vrms range inputs >1% of range. All VAC ranges limited to 8 x 10^7 Volt–Hz.
Low-frequency performance: three filter settings are available: 3 Hz, 20 Hz, 200 Hz. Frequencies greater than these filter settings are specified with no additional errors.
8. Specifications are for sinewave input > 1% of range and > 10 µA AC.
Allice Messtechnik GmbH