LEVELtrol-II Installation & Operating Instructions
Acknowledge & Clear Alarms
Acknowledge is used to clear alarm relays and remove any visual alarm messages from the
display. In the run mode, press the ENTER key or activate CONTROL INPUT 1, 2 or 3 (if set
for ACK) to momentarily clear alarms and alarm messages. Alarms will reassert themselves if
alarm conditions are still present.
A visual indication that the process is above or below the setpoint specified by the user.
Analog Output
The analog signal (4-20mA) that is generated by the LEVELtrol-II. It can correspond to the
Level, Total, Temperature or Density. This output is used primarily for transmission of process
information to remote systems.
Analog Output Damping
A damping factor for an averaging filter for the analog output. (see also Level Averaging Filter)
Audit Trail
The audit trail is used to track the number of changes made to the units setup program.
Averaging Constant
A dampening factor applied to the level sensor signal.
Batch Count Mode
Batch Count Mode specifies the user preference for count direction. The "Up" selection begins
with a value of "0" and counts up until the batch size is reached. The "Down" selection begins
with a value equal to the desired batch size and counts down to "0".
Batch Direction
Batch Direction specifies whether the user will be batching into or out of the tank.
Batch Overrun
The LEVELtrol-II offers a batch overrun compensation routine. If batch overrun occurs due to
slow valve response time, the unit will compensate for the overrun amount on the next batch.
This feature can be disabled if desired.
An instrument which controls the dispensing of desired batch amounts. The liquid level based
batching system is usually comprised of a batch controller (batcher), level transmitter and
control valve. The batcher opens and closes the valve through the use of relays and measures
the amounts of liquid being dispensed via the level measurement.
Baud Rate
The speed of serial communication transmissions, expressed in bits per second.
A sequence of steps whereby the LEVELtrol II learns the zero and full scale value of various
signals on it's inputs.
C-Factor (Fluid Expansion Factor)
A parameter in a flow equation which is used to describe the relationship between density or
volume and temperature changes.
C-Factor (Fluid Expansion Factor)
A parameter in a flow equation which is used to describe the relationship between density or
volume and temperature changes.
Compensation Equation
An equation which computes the tank contents as a volume, mass or corrected volume using a
measured temperature and stored fluid properties.
12. Glossary Of Terms