LDB-ST1LE Batcher
5.4 Batcher Operation
The Batcher mode is used primarily to control batches. The main difference between the Batch mode and
Rate/Total mode is the relay operation. The Batch mode allows the operator to "START" the unit via the
front panel or remote input. Once started, the relays (RLY1 & RLY2) will energize and send a contact to
a flow control device (i.e. solenoid valve or pump). The flow sensor will send a signal to the unit and total
accumulation will begin. Just before the end of batch, when the Prewarn value (PRE 2) is reached, Relay 2
will drop out (this is ideal for flow slow down). When the final Batch amount (PRE 1) is reached, Relay 1 will
drop out and the Batch is complete.
Several messages will be displayed during normal batch operation (i.e. Batch Fill, Batch Stopped). The
keypad is disabled for the duration of these timed messages (approx. 2 sec).
5.4.1 Batcher Configuration.
When the unit is programmed for batch mode, several batch operation choices are available. These choices
include: EZ Preset, Up or Down Counting, Maximum Batch Preset, Batch Overrun Compensation, Auto Batch
Restart, Time Delay, Flow Signal Timeout, Maximum Drain Time, Slow Start Quantity, Start or Reset/Start,
and Stop or Stop/Reset.
EZ Preset
A selectable mode of batching where user can press "PRE 1", then "ENTER" then the quantity to be batched,
then "START" for a quick enter-start sequence.
Batch Count Mode
The Batch Count Mode allows the user to choose whether the unit will batch up to a preset value or batch
down from a preset value to zero.
Maximum Batch Preset
The Maximum Batch Preset allows the user to program the Maximum Batch value allowed to be entered by
the operator. If an operator should try to program a batch higher then this value, the unit will not allow the
value to be entered and will prompt the user with an error message saying that the permitted Maximum Batch
Preset size has been exceeded.
Batch Overrun
The Batch Overrun is used for batch applications that have slow responding valves and a consistent batching
flowrate. When the Batch Overrun is set, the unit will compensate for batch overruns by computing an
averaged overrun value from the last four batches. This average is used to internally adjust the batch setpoint
to minimize overrun. The maximum drain time must be set greater than the slowest valve response time for
proper operation of this feature.
Auto Batch Restart
The Auto Batch Restart function allows the user to set an amount of time to automatically restart a batch
after the completion of a batch. This time can be set from 1 to 99 seconds.
Flow Signal Timeout
The Flow Signal Timeout allows the user to enter a timeout of 0 to 99 seconds. If a batch is “Filling” and zero
flow persists for more than the user entered time then the batch will be aborted. This prevents over flows due
to faulty flow sensors and/or wiring.
Maximum Drain Time
The unit declares that a batch is “done” when the flow rate equals “0”. A flow rate may be present long after
the Preset Relay de-energizes due to slow reacting valves or leaky valves. The Maximum Drain Time allows
the user to enter an amount of time (0 to 99 seconds) to wait before declaring “Batch Done”. After the Preset
Batch quantity is reached, the unit will declare “Batch Done” when the flow rate is “0” or the Maximum Drain
Time has expired. The batch data will then be available for printing and datalogging.
Slow Start Quantity
The Slow Start Quantity is a function that allows an amount to be entered for a Slow Start of fill. This function
requires two stage valve control. RLY 1 (slow flow) will energize for Slow Start and RLY 2 (fast flow) will
energize after the Slow Start Quantity has been delivered. This helps reduce turbulence when filling an
empty container.