Featuring 6 digits of bright, 7-seg ment LED dis plays,
this unit is an integrating to tal izer/rateme ter which
ac cepts ana log sig nal in puts. The unit can be fi eld
pro grammed to ac cept 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V
or 1-5V sig nals. A 4-20mA out put op tion is avail able
to control strip re cord ers or other peripherals. Two
as sign able set points are stan dard for two stage shut
off. The full scale setting is pro gram mable from the
front pan el. By press ing the "view" but ton, the unit
will display: in te grated to tal, rate, peak or valley.
Specifi cations:
6 digit, .55" high, 7 seg ment, red orange,
Input Power:
110 VAC ± 15% or 12 to 24VDC.
Current: maximum 300 mA DC or 8.0 VA at rated AC
volt age.
Output Power:
(AC pow ered units only) + 24VDC @
100mA regu lated ±5%
Operating: +41°F (5°C) to +130°F (+54°C).
Storage: -40°F (-40°C) to +200°F (93°C).
: EEPROM stores data for ten years if power
is lost.
Front Panel: resets dis played val ues and control out-
Remote: 4-30VDC positive edge, resets totalizer and
con trol out puts.
Type: Open collector sinks 250mA from 30VDC when
ac tive.
Usage: rate alarm, total alarm, scaled pulse output
for remote totalizers.
Analog Out:
The full scale setting is pro gram mable
from the front panel. A sink ing driver gen er ates a cor-
re spond ing lin ear cur rent through the external devices.
The out put up dates with each update of the rate. Ac-
curacy is ±0.25% FS worst case. Compliance volt age
must be 3 to 30 VDC non in duc tive. (The unit can
provide the DC source as long as the drop across the
devices being driven does not ex ceed 21V).
Type: Linear 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V or 1-5V
se lectable from the front panel.
Input Impedance:
Current: 100Ω; Voltage: 115KΩ
The unit does all of the calibrations in ter -
nal ly. There are no potentiometers to adjust and the
unit never needs to be removed from the case.
Set Points:
Two control set points are provided. The
set point outputs can be as signed to rate or total or pulse
scaling. The unit comes stan dard with two open col-
lec tor control out puts. The out puts are pro gram mable
from 0.01 to 599.99 sec or latched until reset when
as signed to the total or pulse and a hys ter esis (alarm
range) when as signed to the rate.
Rate Display:
Updates 5 times per sec ond, Accurate
to 4.5 dig its.
Integrates from the rate reading and ac cu -
mu lates up to 6 digits of total count. The time base (sec-
onds, minutes, hours or days) and totalize conversion
factor are fi eld pro gram mable from the front panel.
: Decimal points, Scal ing from 0 to
59999 units per se lected time base, set points, in put
type, security lock code, and as sign ing out puts are all
pro gram mable from the front panel.
Standard 1/8 DIN, high im pact ABS plastic
case (NEMA 4/IP65 front panel).
Shipping Weight:
2 lbs.
Overvoltage Protection:
50 V
Overcurrent Protection:
50 mA
14.5 Bits
(worst case)
4-20 mA
0-10 VDC
0-5 VDC
1-5 VDC
Square Law: (above 5% of bottom range) 0.1%
(5V inputs .4%) Worst case over complete range: 2%
Temperature Stability:
Will not drift more than 20
parts per million per °C from 5°C to 54°C
Содержание ES-756
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