Information on intersections
When the vehicle is coming closer to an intersection with a guide point, information on the
intersection will be provided with on the current position screen where route guidance is
going on (when the current position is on the route). When the vehicle is coming closer to a
forked intersection (within about 300m), the screen for information on intersections will appear
Lane indication
Lanes of passing or branched intersections will be
Remaining distance indication
Distances to the intersections will be indicated.
Guide points
Guide points will be indicated at the intersections on
the screen for information on intersections.
Intersection enlargement
• Intersections without any information on the map disc will have no indication of lanes or
intersection names.
• Lane indications can be different from the actual intersections.
• Information on intersections are always not provided in the following cases.
- Just after beginning of destination guidance
- At surroundings of destinations
• The screen for information on intersections can appear earlier or later.
• When the vehicle is approaching the next branched intersections, the screen for information on
intersections will appear in succession.
• When the screen for information on intersections is displayed, the intersections that will branch
off will be indicated, but those before the branched intersections will not be provided.
The intersections which do not
branch out
Branched intersections
(The screen for information on
KNA-2600̲r3.0̲English.Indd 39
03.12.4, 10:30:32 PM