In this section:
Introduction .............................................................................. 5-1
Switching .................................................................................. 5-1
Sourcing and measuring .......................................................... 5-2
Optional instrumentation .......................................................... 5-3
Typical matrix connections ....................................................... 5-4
S530 KTE communications diagrams .................................... 5-12
S530 ACS communications diagrams .................................... 5-14
This section contains an overview of the instruments used in S530 parametric test systems and
examples of typical connection schemes.
For more specific information about instruments used in the S530 Parametric Test System, refer to
the documentation for each specific Keithley Instruments model:
4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System
4210-PGU Pulse Card
4220-PGU Pulse Card
4200-SCP2HR Dual Channel Scope Card
707B Semiconductor Switch Matrix
2410 High-Voltage SourceMeter
Series 2600B System SourceMeter
DMM7510 7-1/2 Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter
Also, refer to the supplied documentation that is on the Keithley Instruments CD-ROM that was
shipped with your purchase. You can also visit the Keithley Instruments website at
) to search for updated information by model number.
Example wiring diagrams for the S530 test system are shown on the following pages.
Section 5
Instrument specifications and documentation