Model 7706 module
The information contained in this section is intended only for qualified service personnel. Do not
attempt these procedures unless you are qualified to do so.
Correctly wire and install the Model 7706 in the Model 2700 before turning on the Model 2700.
Use the following steps to verify the Model 7706 Totalizer function.
1. Connect the function generator to the Model 7706 Totalizer IN+ and IN- terminals (see
Figure 25
2. Make sure to leave gate inputs (G+ and G-) open (gate always).
3. Set the threshold jumper to the TTL position (J2 closed).
4. Close and lock the Model 7706 cover.
Make sure the Model 2700 is OFF before installing the Model 7706.
5. Install the Model 7706 in slot 1 of the Model 2700.
6. Turn on the Model 2700.
7. Set the function generator to:
• Burst mode
• Burst cycle count of 50,000
• Manual trigger source
• Output: 100kHz
• 0–5V square wave (50% duty cycle)
8. Close CH25:
a. Press the CLOSE key.
b. Key in 125.
9. Check Totalizer count — if count is not zero press EXIT key to clear count.
10. Verify that each time the function generator is triggered to output a burst, the Totalizer count increases by 50,000.
11. Open CH25:
12. Press the OPEN key.