In this section:
Overview ........................................................................... 4-1
Channel designations ........................................................ 4-1
Channel attributes ............................................................. 4-7
Closing and opening channels .......................................... 4-9
Channel patterns ............................................................. 4-18
Relay closure count ......................................................... 4-22
Identifying installed modules ........................................... 4-23
This section provides basic close/open information for switching
module channels. To install the switching module, refer to instructions
Rear Panel
(on page 3-1). Operating characteristics unique to a
specific Series 3700 switching module are provided in
Series 3700
Module Schematics and Connections
(on page 9-1), where you can
also find information to make connections to the switching module.
The switching channels of a Series 3700 have specific settings for switch-only
operations and specific settings for switch with DMM operations. The Series
3700 accesses different settings based upon the close or open operation you
specify. You can perform such operations on switching module channels, analog
backplane relays, and channel patterns.
Channel designations
You designate channels to perform close and open operations, create scans,
and create channel patterns. You can reference individual channels or a range
of channels when performing these operations using the front panel interface or
using the remote command interface.
Channel and backplane notation
There are three different notations used to control relays:
Backplane relay
(on page 4-2),
MUX (multiplexer) channel notation
(on page 4-2), and
Matrix card notation
(on page 4-3).
Section 4
Close-open overview