2910-VSG Vector Signal Generator Quick Start Guide
2910-903-01 Rev. A / February 2006
8. If the 2910 passes the self tests, it automatically boots the system software and displays the
start-up screen.
9. Warm-up the instrument. The Model 2910 can be used immediately after being switched ON.
However, to achieve specified performance, warm-up for at least 30 minutes.
Replacing a fuse
If the line fuse needs to be replaced, perform the following steps:
Make sure the instrument is disconnected from the AC line and
other equipment before changing line fuse.
1. Using a small flat-blade screwdriver, push the retaining clip toward the center of the module to
release the fuse holder assembly.
2. Pull the fuse holder out of the power module.
3. Remove blown fuses and replace with a similar 2.0 Amp, 250 VAC, 5x20 mm slow-blow fuse.
For continued protection against fire or instrument damage, only
replace fuses with the type and rating listed. If the instrument
repeatedly blows fuses, return the unit to Keithley Instruments.