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DOC1049R (22 February 2024 12:07)
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Probe accessories may contain O-rings, which we recommend replacing annually or, where
worn or damaged, more frequently. See Section 4 Accessories for more information on
2.1. Spectrum health
The spectrum can be used as a good indication of the health of the instrument.
2.1.1. Use at high temperature
Figure 7: Probe is heated causing the spectrum to tilt
In Figure 7, the spectrum is tilted, with positive absorbance at lower wavenumbers and
negative absorbance at high wavenumbers and the spectrum is not flat in the region 800-
. This indicates that the probe tip is at a higher temperature now than it was when
the background was taken. This may cause chemometric models to give incorrect results
unless the model uses an appropriate pre-treatment to remove the effect. Any model built by
Keit will have this taken into account.