Page 14
DOC1049R (22 February 2024 12:07)
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4.1. Sample cell - ASM1398
Not certified for hazardous environments
Non certifié pour les environnements dangereux
The sample cell is a ~5ml vessel attached at the end of the probe for performing manual
sample analysis or used as part of a probe cleaning procedure. It is fixed in place using a tri
clamp that locates over the rear of the sample cell and two semi-circular collars that fit around
the probe. Ensure that the C-pieces make good contact with the probe and that the pins are
seated inside their corresponding holes then use the clamp to fit the cell to the probe, clamping
against the C-pieces. The clamp does not need to be tightened with significant force, we
recommend to tighten the thumbscrew until resistance is felt + 1 turn. For volatile substances
it is recommended to keep the stopper/cap in place during use.
Figure 14: Sample cell fitted to IRmadilloNA probe
4.1.1. Maintenance
Inspect the O-ring regularly and replace if it has visually degraded, whether through swelling
or other damage; use plastic forceps to remove the O-ring. This is particularly important if the
chemistry that you are analysing is known to cause swelling of the O-ring elastomer. In any
case, replace O-rings annually. Also inspect the clamp and C-pieces for any signs of
degradation, cracks, or damage. If the clamp and/or the C-pieces shows signs of significant
wear, do not re-fit them and contact [email protected] for advice.
4.1.2. Cleaning
The sample cell may be cleaned using standard laboratory cleaning practices, as appropriate
for your reaction. Also ensure the ATR element has been thoroughly cleaned and dried before
use of the sample cell.