USER MANUAL - operation
Slim Jim User manual
page 14
Program volumes with touchpad or bastone
The bastone version of the Slim Jim has 2 pre-set volumes per group, the touchpad version has 4 pre-
set volumes per group. When water flows through a coffee group, the flow meter of that group sends
pulses to the controller. The controller counts the pulses after activation of the group and will de-
activate the group when the pre-set number of pulses has been received (that is: when the pre-set
volume of water has passed the flow meter).
The pre-set volumes can be programmed 2-ways: with the bastone units or touchpads, or using the
interface (in the Barista-
menu; submenu “volumes”).
When using the bastone or touchpad to program volumes, the left group is the dominant group
meaning that when a volume is programmed on the left group, the other group(s) will take over that
volume. After getting the machine to programming mode a shot is started and ended with the bastone
(or touchpad). Upon leaving the programming mode, the last programmed dispense for each shot
volume is stored in memory.
Make sure to mimic an actual brew while programming volumes: check that the machine is at
operational temperature for some time and prepare the coffee-bed as you normally would.
1. get the controller in programming mode:
press-hold the upper button of the left touchpad
press-hold the push button of the left bastone
the LED(s) on all units will start flashing
2. start the brew/dispense as normal
shortly press the button to be programmed
note the position of the toggle-switch, shortly pres the bastone lever down
hot water:
start the dispense by shortly pressing the dispense push button
the corresponding LED will light up
3. stop the brew/dispense when the correct volume is reached
shortly press the button again
shortly press the bastone lever down
hot water:
stop the dispense by shortly pressing the dispense push button
the LED(s) on all units will start flashing again
you may now program another volume (on another or the same button/switch position if needed) or:
4. get the controller out of programming mode
press-hold the upper button of the left touchpad
press-hold the push button of the left bastone
until the LED(s) stop flashing.