1. Introduction
1.1 Brief description of the instrument
1.2 Intended use / purpose of instrument
1.3 How the intraocular pressure is measured
1.4 Advantages of using a Goldmann Tonometer
2. Symbols used
3. Safety
3.1 Standards applied
3.2 Warnings and Cautions
4. Cleaning and disinfection instruction
4.1 Cleaning Tonometer body
4.2 Disinfecting the Tonometer prisms
5. Tonometer Prism field check
6. Name of components of R type and T type KAT
7. Measurement procedure
7.1 Installation on to the Slit Lamp
7.1.1 Keeler Applanation Tonometer (T type)
7.1.2 Applanation Tonometer ‘Keeler Fixed’ (R type)
7.2 Preparing the patient
7.3 Preparing the Slit Lamp instrument for examinations
at 10 x magnification
7.4 Using the instrument/ taking a measurement
7.4.1 Instructions to the patient
7.4.2 Taking the measurement
8. Problem solving
9. General information and suggestions concerning measurement
10. Astigmatism
11. Routine instrument maintenance
11.1 Check procedure with the measurement drum set to 0
11.2 Check procedure with measurement drum set to 2
11.3 Check procedure with the calibration arm set to 6
12. Servicing and calibration
13. Specifications
13.1 Transport, storage and working conditions
13.2 Technical specifications
14. Accessories and warranty
15. Contact information
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