7. Measurement procedure
7.1.2 Applanation Tonometer ‘Keeler Fixed’ (R type)
This instrument is for those who wish the Tonometer to remain
permanently on the slit lamp.
• Mount the plate for the Tonometer onto the microscope body
using the securing screw.
• Then mount the Tonometer mount onto the mounting post.
• Swing the Tonometer forward in front of the microscope for
examination. A notch position ensures exact centring of the
prism with the left objective.
• To obtain an image as clear and as free of reflexes as possible,
the angle between the illumination and the microscope should
be about 60° and the slit diaphragm should be fully opened.
• When not in use the instrument is swung around and secured in
a notch position to the right of the microscope.
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