assembly steps
Please see illustrations at the end of the manual for further assembly instructions.
Assembly of spring:
p. 23 - 26
1. Place B2 element between fi rst and second scroll of spring. Pay attention for correct positioning of the bracket (refer to
point 5).
2. Place B1 element between second and third scroll of spring. Tilt at an angle B1 element and insert it into B2 element.
Push the whole until it’s blocked. Pay attention for correct positioning of the bracket (refer to point 5).
3. Place A1 element between fi rst and second scroll of spring. Pay attention for correct positioning of the bracket (refer to
point 5).
4. Assemble from the bottom of spring elements B3 and A2.
5. Before proceeding to point 6, please check correct positioning of all brackets. Marks on all brackets should be located
inside of the spring toward the closer end of the spring. On corresponding drawing no.5 shown correct bracket’s posi-
tioning and examples of its wrong positioning.
6. Assemble spring with anchor by using hardware set no. 10. Screw on the nuts with the ratchet spanner.
7. Place B2 element between fi rst and second scroll of spring (looking from the top). Pay attention for correct positioning
of the bracket (refer to point 11).
8. Place B1 element between second and third scroll of spring (looking from the top). Tilt at an angle B1 element and
insert it into B2 element. Push the whole until it’s blocked. Pay attention for correct positioning of the bracket(refer to
point 11).
9. Place A1 element between fi rst and second scroll of spring (looking from the top). Pay attention for correct positioning
of the bracket (refer to point 11).
10. Assemble from the top of spring elements B3 and A2.
11. Before proceeding to point 12, please check correct positioning of all brackets. Marks on all brackets should be located
inside of the spring toward the closer end of the spring. On corresponding drawing no.11 shown correct bracket’s posi-
tioning and examples of its wrong positioning.
12. Assembly spring with suspension frame by using hardware set no 10. Screw on the nuts with the ratchet spanner.
III Assembly of the spring toy:
p. 29 - 30
1. Assembly the excavator arm with right and left support to the suspension frame by using hardware set no. 3 and 6.
2. Assembly the bucket and handgrip by using hardware set no. 2 and 5.
3. Assembly right and left caterpillars to the suspension frame with the footrest mounted in between. Use hardware set
no. 1 and 4.
4. Attach the seating to the suspension frame by using hardware set no. 7.
The soil under the spring animal requires an adjusted surface that is shock absorbing!
IIb Assembly of spring and concrete anchor:
p. 28
1. Find a suitable location to install the spring toy. See FIG II. After installation the concrete foundation will need to be
covered with a shock absorbing surface. The use of rubber tiles is recommended.
2. Place the fl at anchor horizontally, using the spirit level, at the desired location and mark the holes.
3. Drill the 4 holes of 90 mm deep.
4. Remove the dust out of the drilled holes.
5. Put the 4 wedge anchors in the holes.
6. Screw on the nuts of the 4 wedge anchors with the ratchet spanner.
Assembly of spring and fl at anchor:
p. 27
1. Find a suitable location to install the spring toy. Do not dig holes in loose soil or sand. The soil should be stable and
compacted to provide proper support. See FIG II.
2. Dig a hole for the concrete anchor. The hole needs to be 700 mm wide at the bottom and 400 mm deep.
3. Flatten the bottom of the hole and stamp with your feet. Place the concrete anchor straight up in the hole. The best
way is to use a spirit level. You can fi x this position by putting a heavy stone or brick on the lower plate.
4. Mix enough concrete to fi ll the hole. Be careful to follow the manufacturers instructions. Pour concrete into the hole. Be
careful to keep the spring and upper side top plate free of concrete. Make sure the spring is straight using a spirit level.
5. Allow concrete to set overnight before going to step 6.
6. Cover the visible concrete with soil so that the complete ground level is fl at again. Make sure the ground is covered in
a suitable way (eg. rubber tiles, bark, wood chips,...).
Instructions for use - M177.032 - spring toy in HDPE - ‘excavator’