KBR multimess D9-PQ
20144 EDEBD
Right-clicking the graphics with the mouse will open the following menu:
Auto scaling: The Y-axis of the measurement values is scaled automatically
Data on the clipboard: Measurement data is copied to the clipboard and can
be processed further, e.g. in MS Excel.
Image on the clipboard: Copies the level-time diagram to the Windows clip-
board and can then be inserted, e.g. in MS Word.
Stack: This function changes how the measurement data is displayed in
stacks. Measure-ment values can contain grouped or separate y-scales.
With “Import” it is possible to select between:
Download all measurement files of the recorder (f.e. 10min recorder files)
Download all disturbance recorder and permanent recorder from
multimess D9-PQ
Software WinPQ smart