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Thermal Dispersion
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Reference RTD
The Reference RTD detects and outputs a signal to the Electronics Module which is
proportionate to the process media temperature.
Relay 1
Front panel LED indicating when the Relay 1 coil is energized.
Relay 2
Front panel LED indicating when the Relay 2 coil is energized.
“Rebooting” is a computer term to mean restarting the computer. In RCMS, the Reboot
button causes the CLASSIC to re-start operation as if power was cycled (see Cycle
Power, and refer to Section 6 RCMS for RCMS operation).
Remote Enclosure
Enclosure for the Electronics Module. Used when the Electronics Module must be located
away from the sensing element due to heat, vibration, lack of visibility, etc.
Kayden Remote Control & Monitoring Software provides a graphical computer interface
for the CLASSIC series.
Resistance Temperature Detector; a sensor whose resistance varies with temperature
Run Mode
Indicates normal operation when flashing.
Serial Number
A unique factory assigned number to each CLASSIC.
Set Point 1
The Thermal Signal or Temperature value which determines the actuation of Relay 1.
To view the value of Set Point 1, press and hold the “1” button while in Run mode, or
press the SET button sufficient times to View or Adjust Set Point 1 (the Set Point 1 LED
will be ON).
Set Point 2
The Thermal Signal or Temperature value which determines the actuation of Relay 2.
To view the value of Set Point 2, press and hold the “2” button while in Run mode, or
press the SET button sufficient times to View or Adjust Set Point 2 (the Set Point 2 LED
will be ON).
Smart Heater
The “Smart Heater” reduces the heater power from from the user setting when the
Thermal Signal falls to zero to prevent a “Thermal Offset”. The original heater power is
restored when the Thermal Signal increases.
Thermal Offset
Thermal offset is the difference in temperature between the Active RTD and the Reference
RTD due to thermal convection.
Thermal Signal
The amount of thermal energy from the Active RTD dissipated by the process, calculated
as the temperature difference between the Active and Reference RTDs and expressed as
a percentage.
The maximum displayable thermal signal range with LRV = 0% and URV = 100%.
Pressing the Right Arrow on the CLASSIC front panel will show the unscaled thermal
signal when in RUN mode.
Thermal Signal
- Unscaled