Ladder and handrail
It allows the operator to climb onto the vehicle and work
Portable stepladder
It is used to enter the tank.
4.3.2. Tank
Food tanker
The tank of the food tanker vehicles is
manufactured from stainless steel. The
body area of the tank is covered with pol-
yurethane, and the domes are insulated
with glass wool and then covered with
stainless steel sheet. Tank is usually
manufactured with triple compartments.
4.3.3. Isolation Coating
Since food tankers generally carry per-
ishable food, the outside of the tankers is
insulated with polyurethane and glass
wool and covered with stainless steel
sheet in order to keep the material in the
tank at the required temperature. The
general purpose of insulation is to pre-
serve heat.
Walk on the walkway when
you climb up the tank. Do not
step on the coating sheet to
prevent damage to the coating
sheet on the exterior surface
of the tank.
4.3.4. Manhole Cover
Manhole is used for filling the tank from
top. Vehicle can be filled from top by
opening the upper cover, after the
vehicle has approached to the station.
Manhole cover is manufactured from
stainless steel and is resistant to heat.
Opening the cover:
There is a screwed wing nut (2) on
the cover, loosen the nut by turning
After loosening the wing nut, lean
the nut back onto the spill box.
Hold the handle (3) on the released
cover and lean it against the edge of
the spill box.
Manhole cover
If the threads of the wing nut
are damaged, the manhole co-
ver cannot be fully fit on the
seal and loss of material may
occur from the manhole du-
ring transportation.
Consider the following points when
opening and closing the manhole