Axle lifting
There is a danger of being
pinched and injured when lo-
wering /raising the axle.
3.7.3. Hubodometer
Hubodometers show the distance trav-
eled by the vehicle in kilometers or
The unit of the hubodometer is written on
the hubodometer. It is adjusted accord-
ing to the tire diameter.
Analog Hubodometer
Digital Hubodometer
3.8. Tires
During the selection of semi-trailers tires,
it should be ensured that the tire has ap-
propriate carrying capacity.
The manufacturer offers tires suitable for
a variety of uses, such as high way use,
off-road or mixed use. Among the tires
suitable for your intended use, according
to EU tire label values, tire with a low
decibel value and as close to Class A as
possible should be preferred for breaking
ability and fuel efficiency on wet roads.
You can access the EU tire la-
bel values of the tire used in
your vehicle on our website.
On vehicles with double/ twin row
wheels, tires must be properly matched
according to their diameter. The tread
depths of side-by-side tires should not
differ more than 5 mm. In addition, de-
pending on the structure and type of the
vehicle, newly coated tires and partially
worn tires should not be used side by
side. Otherwise driving safety disap-
pears. Although the tread depths appear
to be the same in this type of tires, it
should be concluded that the tire radii
are different and tires with radii differen-
ces exceeding 10 mm should not be
used side by side.
Mismatching results in the larger tire
being excessively deformed by carrying
too much load. In this case, wear accel-
erates, creating the danger of premature
tire wear. This should also be considered