K-1 & K-2 Series Owner’s Manual
Page 26
4. Air cushions should be washed periodically; top sheet will require more frequent washing. Set wash cycle to” heavy
load” with warm water. Once the water is full, add manufacturer- suggested quantity of laundry detergent and/ or
standard hospital disinfectants. If the air cushions or the top sheet becomes soiled with human waste or blood,
clean immediately by wiping down. Use hospital recommended laundry detergent and/ or disinfectant per
manufacturer’s instructions.
Note: Use non-chlorine bleach detergent.
5. Shake cushions gently to remove excess water from inside the air cushions. Dry the cushions/top sheet on the
lowest settings on the dryer until completely dry.
6. Leave the mattress to dry in a cool, dry area for an hour before using or storing. If the mattress is not used
immediately, roll the mattress and insert it into a plastic bag and store it in a storage area.
7. After the cleaning operations are completed, remove and dispose the protective gloves appropriately. Wash your
hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
Foam Aire Mattress (FAM)
Note: The Foam Aire mattresses have a Kevlar fire retardant sleeve (sock) barrier inside the cover. Care should
be taken if removing the cover for cleaning.
Before attempting to clean the mattress, remove the bedding from the mattress. The mattress cover (top sheet) can be cleaned
following the steps below.
1. Wear eye goggles and protective gloves before starting the cleaning procedure.
2. Follow steps 2 through 4 in control unit cleaning procedure above to prepare disinfectant solution.
3. Clean the top and bottom mattress cover using the prepared disinfectant solution and refer to step 4 of the above Air Mattress
cleaning instructions for washing instructions.
4. Wipe dry with a clean cloth and allow to air dry as needed.
When the control unit is not in use, turn off the unit, disconnect the power cord from the power source and wrap the
cord around the control unit. Place the control unit and the power cord in a plastic bag and cable tie it to keep the
unit dust-free.
Fold or roll the previously dried air mattress and place the mattress in a plastic bag. Cable tie the plastic bag to
keep the mattress dust free. Cover and store the Foam Aire mattress in a flat position.
Store the control unit in a storage area designated for medical electronic product storage.