Step 1: Backup your files.
We recommend running a full backup of your files before installing your KanguruDock.
Though it highly unlikely, there is always a chance static electricity or a mistake during
installation could damage your data.
Step 2: Inspect contents of box(es).
Inspect the contents of the box(es) you received. You are going to need the following
items to install your Internal KanguruDock:
1. The KanguruDisk (portable hard drive of varying capacities)
2. The Internal KanguruDock (metal dock with a swinging front door)
3. Keys (for the lock located on front of KanguruDock)
If any item is missing, please call the dealer where you purchased our product. If you
have difficulty getting any missing items please call IMC directly at (508) 663-0105.
Step 3: Turn power off and open your PC
You will now need to open your computer to install the KanguruDock. Before doing
so, be sure you have unplugged your PC.
Remove the case of the computer, which is usually held on by screws in the back.
You may need to refer to your PC’s manual for instructions on removing the case.
Caution: Do not touch any of the boards or other components inside computer
without first grounding yourself by touching the computer’s metal frame or power
supply. This discharges any static electricity that could be damaging to your
system. To minimize the risk of static electricity damage refrain from handling
parts of your computer not used in this installation process.
Step 4: Locate the PC’s components