13. If you deleted the primary partition on the drive choose number 2 to create a new primary
partition. You can use the maximum capacity available for the partition or specify a smaller size if
you wish. If you are using FAT32 (large drive support) the maximum size will be the entire
capacity of the drive (assuming there are no defined partitions taking up other space on the drive).
In FAT16 mode the maximum size will be about 2GB.
14. If your primary partition does not fill the entire capacity of the drive create extended partitions to
make use of this space. The maximum size you can use for an extended partition depends upon
the file system (FAT32, FAT16, etc.) and the available capacity on the drive. Create as many
extended partitions as you wish to fill the capacity of your drive.
15. Once you have completed re-partitioning, hit ESC to exit FDISK. You must restart your computer
for the partition changes to take full effect.
16. Once you have rebooted you will need to FORMAT each new partition on your drive. See
Section 2.3 for instructions.
Before continuing with troubleshooting:
The first step in troubleshooting is to go back through the installation procedure as described in this
manual. Be sure to check all cable connections, (including the 40-pin ribbon and power cables) and the
KanguruDisk is correctly inserted into the KanguruDock.
Problem: My computer hangs during boot-up.
The ribbon cables inside your computer are not connected properly or the jumper settings for the
drive(s) are not correct. Check to make sure each cable and connector has been configured properly. That
is, the red stripe on the ribbon cable should be connected to pin 1 on both the device (Hard drive, etc.) and
the controller connector.
The KanguruDisk must be jumpered according to its configuration on the IDE controller (see the
Hardware Installation for more information). Check the jumpers on all other IDE devices.
Problem: My connections and jumper settings are correct, but my PC still hangs on boot-up.
You may be using the KanguruDisk, a UDMA device, with a non-UDMA device on the same
controller. This can cause timing conflicts between the devices causing the PC to hang. Try a different
configuration, keeping the KanguruDock on a different controller from any non-UDMA devices (i.e., older
hard drives).
Problem: The light on my KanguruDisk does not light up when I boot up my PC.
Your KanguruDisk is not getting proper power. Turn power off. Remove KanguruDisk and firmly re-
insert it into the dock until it snaps into place. Turn on the PC.
If the light on KanguruDisk still does not appear, turn off the PC and check the power cable inside the
PC on the back of the KanguruDock. It should be firmly connected to one of the PC’s power supply
Problem: I get an error message from the BIOS when I remove my KanguruDisk and boot up my
If you have it manually configured (as a user type), removing the disk will cause an error. Set your
KanguruDisk in CMOS to ‘auto’. If unable to select an automatic mode, reconfigure your CMOS when
you boot without the KanguruDisk. Don’t forget to reconfigure it back when you re-insert the