BL 44440 - 200605
through. At this point, it should start to have a pale-yellow color and no
more froth at the top. Once this is achieved, reduce the speed to
medium and add butter, one tablespoon at a time with about 10
seconds in between each addition. Make sure the butter is nicely
incorporated before adding another tablespoon. Once all the butter is
added, blend for another 30 seconds to a minute. To test your lemon
curd for doneness, dip a spoon in your mixture and run your finger on
the back. If it leaves a clear path, your curd is ready! Place in fridge
overnight to set, and use for filling, in pies, as a spread, or to add a
touch of zesty sweetness to your crepes and waffles. Keep in fridge to
preserve or freeze as needed.
Frozen Margaritas
Ingredients (for 2 margaritas):
1/3 cup tequila
¼ cup Grand Marnier (can substitute for triple sec)
1/3 cup fresh lime juice
1 tbsp agave nectar
2 cups ice
Place all ingredients (with ice last) in the container and blend on
medium until smooth, about 1 minute
you will no longer hear or see
ice being crushed by the blades. Add more Agave nectar or lime juice
to taste. Serve immediately.
Banana “Nice” Cream
4-5 peeled bananas, chopped and frozen
Splash of milk (plant-
based or cow’s) as needed
Place the chopped and peeled frozen bananas in the jar. Blend on low
until smooth and creamy. If needed, add a splash of milk to help even
out the consistency. Serve immediately in a bowl or on a cone for a soft
serve, freeze for 30 minutes to an hour for a firmer ice cream.
Nut butter ice cream: Add 1 tbsp of peanut / almond butter
Vanilla ice cream: Add ½ tsp vanilla extract