User manual - Mechanical smart watch
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Guidelines to upgrade watch firmware using Kairos iOS
This guideline is only applicable to users who are using Kairos Watches with Firmware package version below v1.4
or v1.4 itself.
To get this Firmware package version, go inside in “Settings> About” menu and then navigate to “Firmware” sub
Steps to follow:
Download and Install Version 1.3 of “Kairos Watches App” from App store.
Tap on “Scan For Watches” for scanning the watches.
List of Watches will appear on the iOS Device and then tap on the listed device to connect it.
A screen will appear where the user will have prompted to add a six-digit code for secure ANCS pairing on
his iOS Device (Bluetooth Pairing Request). This code will be displayed on his Kairos Watch.
Now, use “Firmware Upgrade” button to upgrade Kairos Watch’s firmware.
Once upgrade is done, confirm the firmware package version v1.5 on watch.
To activate notifications from phone to watch.
Make sure your Bluetooth is ON, and DND mode is OFF.
Then, iOS user needs to enter passkey in phone and this passkey is visible on watch. When watch get
connection with iOS app, pairing window will automatically prompt on both devices, watch and phone.