spec. Set-
Action in this menu/meaning
Operation mode –
On | Off
Setting | Manual |Pre-
defined zero current
Setting: Manual
All parameters can be configured independently.
Setting: Predefined zero current
Dynamic grid support active on account of immunity to interference and
zero current feed-in. During a voltage incident, the current in the in-
verter is reduced to zero.
All parameters are pre-configured, only the activation threshold for zero
current has to be configured.
Dynamic grid support active on account of immunity to interference and
fast feeding of residual current. The inverter feeds additional reactive
current according to the formulae (2) and (4).
Priority – Reactive cur-
rent limitation | Active
current priority
Priority: Reactive current priority
Dynamic grid support active on account of immunity to interference and
fast feeding of residual current. The inverter feeds additional reactive
current according to the formulae (2) and (4).
Priority: Effective current priority
Dynamic grid support active on account of immunity to interference and
fast feeding of residual current with dynamic reactive current. The in-
verter feeds in as much active power as available. If, as a result of this,
the maximum continuous current is not achieved, the device supplies
additional reactive current according to the formulae (2) and (4) up to
the limit of continuous current.
Zero current under-
voltage threshold
Zero current over-
voltage threshold
0 – 184 V / 253 – 340
If one or more phase/phase or phase/neutral conductor voltages move
above the configured threshold, the inverter changes to zero current
mode. The total current is regulated to virtually zero.
Reference voltage
U< - U>
Nominal value of the phase/neutral conductor voltage used as a refer-
ence voltage for formula (1) and (3). Adjustable in the range from level 1
undervoltage protection to level 1 overvoltage protection.
Constant k negative se-
quence dip
Constant k negative se-
quence swell
k 0 – 10
Amplification factor for the negative sequence used in the calculation of
the reactive current using formulae (2) and (4) Can be configured inde-
pendently for drops and spikes.
Constant k positive se-
quence dip &
Constant k positive se-
quence swell
k 0 – 10 2
Amplification factor for the negative sequence used in the calculation of
the reactive current using formulae (2) and (4) Can be configured inde-
pendently for drops and spikes.
Dead band
0 - 100 [% Uref]
Dynamic grid support through fast feeding of residual current activated
in the case of voltage events with a voltage change greater than the
dead band.
KACO blueplanet gridsave 50.0TL3-S
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