Add/Delete Manager Users
As an alternative to manually adding and deleting Manager Users at the lock, they
can be added to and deleted from the system at the PC using the Unicon CL Series
Software. The user data can then be transferred to the lock via a teal colored
programming key fob.
The Add/Delete Manager Users operation requires a teal colored (blue green)
programming key fob that has been properly prepared at the PC using the Unicon
CL Series Software.
The process for adding and deleting user information is the same as that for
programming the lock. (The only difference is that the teal colored programming key
fob has been initialized to “add and delete users” rather than “program the lock”.) To
Add/Delete Users, perform Steps 1-3 in the previous “Program Lock” section.
Upload Time
The current time can be retrieved from the PC using the Unicon CL Series Software
and then uploaded to the lock via a programming key fob.
The Upload Access Schedules operation requires a teal colored (blue green)
programming key fob that has been properly prepared at the PC using the Unicon
CL Series Software.
The process for uploading time to the lock is the same as that for programming the
lock. (The only difference is that the teal colored programming key has been
initialized to “upload the time” rather than “program the lock”.) To Upload Time,
perform Steps 1-3 in the previous “Program Lock” section.