K1EL K45 CW Modem Manual K45
K-45 User’s Manual - Rev A
Page 26
5:Sidetone - Turn Sidetone On/Off
If you would rather use the sidetone already provided by your transceiver just disable the K45 sidetone, it's
not required.
6:STvolume - Set Sidetone Volume
The K45 provides four different sidetone volume levels. While this isn’t a wide range, it’s enough to cover
most situations. While the K45 sidetone is not extremely loud, users find that adjusting the sidetone
frequency can often increase the apparent volume. This is due to two reasons, the sidetone speaker in the
K45 has a response that varies greatly with frequency and secondly many hams, including me, find that
some frequencies are easier to hear than others due to hearing loss.
7:ST Freq - Set Sidetone Frequency
The K45 sidetone will operate over a wide range of audio frequencies. The user enters a specific frequency
and the K45 will match that frequency as close as it can. Usually, the resulting frequency is within a few
percent of the request. For example an entry of 840 Hz will result in a setting of 844 Hz.
8:PDLwatch - Paddle Watchdog Control
To prevent a runaway paddle, the K45 has a built-in paddle watchdog that automatically turns keying
outputs off after 128 successive dits or dahs, this command allows this to be disabled.
Configuration Menu #4
Figure 24 – Configuration Menu #4
1:STboard – Enable Sine Tone Option Board
The ST board is a future accessory for the K45 which will be available from K1EL to generate sinewave side
tone audio. Both the volume and pitch will be adjustable. The board will drive a set of stereo headphones or
small speaker. This board is not currently available.
2:Sleep – Low Power Sleep Mode options
The K45 has an onboard timer that will start low power sleep after a specified length of time. There are 7
settings: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60-minute power down delay. If a delay has been to a non-zero value set and
the K45 is not used during that time, it will go into power down sleep mode. The display backlight will be
turned off and a SLEEP MODE message is visible in the display. All the onboard controllers go into low
power mode. To wake the K45 up, simply turn the encoder. When Sleep is set to zero, the K45 will not go
into low power mode. The K45 can be put into low power mode on demand by pressing ESC Y or holding
the encoder button for 5 seconds after the Configuration Menu is displayed.
3:NumPad – Numeric Keypad Mode
The K45 can be set up to use a small numeric keypad for input. This is useful for contests with limited desk
space. All twelve message keys can be accessed as well as several function keys. Num Pad mode is
covered in detail starting on page 19.
5:CWR Pwr - Set CWR Power On/Off
The CW Receive function is on by default. If the CWR is not going to be used, it’s a good idea to turn it off to
reduce K45 power consumption.