Setting Individual Stations to Rain ON / OFF
Turn the dial to “Set Auxiliaries” to enable individual
stations to set rain sensor “ON” or “OFF”.
The display will show:
If the station is turned “ON” this means that the sensor
will control it, should it rain. The default mode is for all stations to be rain sensor “ON”.
Should you have a station (valve) that always needs to be watered, e.g. an enclosed
green house or plants that are under cover, then the rain sensor can be turned “OFF”
for these particular stations. This way when the sensor is wet they will still water.
To select a station to turn “OFF”. Press the
button, the word “ON” will now be
flashing, use the
button to change to “OFF”.
To turn the station back “ON” press the
button. To advance to the next
station use the
button and the station number will increment. Do this operation
for all stations (valves) on the controller that need to be altered.
To disable the rain sensor and allow all stations to water regardless of the
setting, move the slide switch marked Rain/Sensor to the “OFF” position.
The reactivate it slide the switch to the “ON” position.
Rain Delay (Rain sensor cont...)
Different rain sensors react in different ways. The most common complaint about rain
sensors, is that they dry out too quickly, and allow the system to come on within hours
of a rain storm. To counter this problem the controller has a “Rain Delay” setting that
allows a specific delay time to elapse after the rain switch has dried out before the
controller will water again. Turn the dial to the “Set Auxiliaries” position. Then press
button. The rain delay value will now be flashing.
The display will show:
Press the
button to alter the rain delay time in
increments of 12 hours at a time.
A maximum delay of 240 hours or 10 days can be set.
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