Blocking unrated programs
Some broadcast TV shows and movies do not have an assigned rating, and are
considered to be
or not such programs contain content that is
objectionable to you cannot be determined. However, you can choose to block such
To block all unrated broadcasts:
From the Home screen menu, navigate to
Settings > Parental controls
, and
then enter your parental control PIN.
In the
Parental controls
screen, navigate to
TV tuner > Block all unrated
Unrated programs
and press
. When blocking is enabled, the
adjacent padlock icon changes from unlocked to locked.
Blocking programs that have not been assigned a rating does not block programs
that specifically have been assigned
(for example a
broadcast of a local town council meeting). Programs that do not have an assigned
rating display
Rating NA
not applicable, meaning a rating is not needed).
In the absence of other ratings for a program, the parental controls do not consider
the MPAA US movie rating N/A (MPAA rating not applicable to this content) and NR
(applicable content not rated by the MPAA) to be ratings. In these cases, the TV
handles the program as though it is unrated, blocking the program if Unrated
programs blocking is enabled.