Other caption settings
Text style
Choose from a list of fonts. As you move the highlight to each font,
you can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Text edge effect
Choose from a list of edge effect styles, such as raised,
depressed, and various shadows. As you move the highlight to each effect, you
can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Text size
Choose from a list of sizes. As you move the highlight to each size,
you can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Text color
- Choose from a list of colors for the text. As you move the highlight
to each color, you can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Text opacity
- Choose from a list of opacity settings for the text. This setting
determines how much the area behind the text shows through the text. A value
of 100% blocks all of the content behind the text. As you move the highlight to
each setting, you can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Background color
- Choose from a list of colors for the background area
behind the text. As you move the highlight to each color, you can see a sample
you set the
Background opacity
to a value other than
Background opacity
- Choose from a list of opacity settings for the
background of the caption. This setting determines how much the area behind
the caption background shows through the background. A value of 100%
blocks all of the content behind the background. As you move the highlight to
each setting, you can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.
Window color
- Choose from a list of colors for the window rectangle
surrounding the entire caption. As you move the highlight to each color, you
change unless you set the
Window opacity
to a value other than
Window opacity
- Choose from a list of opacity settings for the window
rectangle surrounding the entire caption. This setting determines how much
the area behind the caption window shows through the window. A value of
100% blocks all of the content behind the window. As you move the highlight
to each setting, you can see a sample of the result in an adjacent panel.