7 / 20
Via Crosera n° 50
33082 Azzano Decimo, PN (Italia)
e-mail: [email protected]
Front bench assembly
• Remove the Y-seal bushing.
• Unscrew the ring-nuts and take care to block the timing gears by
means of a soft material (rubber) inserted between the teeth.
• Remove the spacers and the splashing oil disc.
• Remove the axial adjusting plates (6 pcs).
• Remove the front bench:
Unscrew the screw M8 (10 pcs).
Insert the extracting tool no. 2 in the threaded holes showed in the
picture. Remember to insert 2 cylindrical pins Ø6x28.
Screw the two threaded rods at the same time to avoid crawlings.
Pull-out the cylindrical guiding pins.
Support the housing using a suitable winch.
Don’t remove the seal-rings outer bushings! The
bushings are glued to the bench.
Fig. 4.3
Rear bench assembly
• Unscrew the screws M8 (6 pcs) that lock the timing gears.
(Straighten the safety washer).
• Remove the spacers (2 pcs).
• Extract the timing gears:
Mount the specific extractor (tool no. 3) in the timing gears using 3
screws M10.
Handle the cilindrical hammer and hit the end of the threaded rod
as shown by the arrow in the picture.
• Unscrew the ring nuts M45 (2pcs).
• Remove the spacers and the splashing oil disc.
• Remove the axial (6pcs) adjusting plates.
• Extract the rotors using rubber hammer or a plastic tips hammer.
Extract the rotors carefully in order to not
damage their surfaces. Support the rotors during
the extracting operation.
• Remove the axial locking plates (6 pcs).
• Remove the axial adjusting spacers.
Identify and do not mix the axial adjusting
spacers of the drived and driving rotor. It is very
important to mount the spacers in the original
position during the assembly. To mix or invert
the spacers do not assure the axial alignment of
the rotors.
• Remove the rear bench:
Unscrew the screws M8 (10 pcs).
Insert the extracting tool no. 2 in the threaded holes showed in the
picture. Remember to insert 2 cylindrical pins Ø6x28.
Screw the two threaded rods at the same time to avoid crawlings.
Pull-out the cylindrical guiding pins.
Fig. 4.4
Removing of the seal-rings bushing
• Remove the rings from the bushing.
• Remove the bushing using an hammer and a flat crop of
alluminium or copper.
• Hit the bushing in the three available points.
It is important to keep the alluminium crop
aligned to the rotor to avoid to damage the
bushing corner.