Speaker Set Selection
Here you may select which set of speakers is active.
Activate Speaker Set
[activated, muted]
Simultaneous Activation
Tick the checkbox if you want to allow both sets of speakers to be
activated together.
Speaker Identification
a taped description of the respective speaker / set of speakers.
Active Test Tone
If you click on the dedicated soft button you will heare a verbal
description which set of speakers and which speaker of that set is
driven. Multiple selections will cause the test signal to go round in a
row through all activated speakers.
The individual feeds are equipped with a true peak limiter
for speaker protection.
[ON / OFF]
Max True Peak (dBTP)
[-20.0 … -1.0 … 0.0]
The soft button will reset the values to default
Speaker Mute
[ON / OFF]
Attenuation (dB)
[-80.0 … 0.0]
Output Delay Coarse (ms)
[0.0 … 2000.]
Output Delay fine (samples) [0 … 2000]
Output Delay (meters)
displays the calculated distance in meters for a selected delay
(dry air, 20ºC ~ 343m/s).