ProNav Norway – a
page 65
NMEA 0183 Messages
The GP of the message is the talker ID
You can change the message header for the HDG, HDM, HDT, and ROT messages to
either GP or HE uses the $JATT,NMEAHE command
To preface these messages with GP, issue the following command:
To preface these messages with HE, issue the following command:
GPGRS, GPGSA, GPGST, and GPGSV support external integrity checking; synchronize
with corresponding fix data (GPGGA or GPGNS)
For information on outputting roll, pitch, and heave data in one message refer to the
Hemisphere GNSS Technical Reference Manual
HBT is sent every 30 seconds
After 60 seconds, a heading loss warning is escalated to an alarm
Silence timeout is 30 seconds
THS message definition (from IEC61162-1 ed5): THS – True heading and status
x.x Heading, degrees true
a Mode indicator (This field should not be null): A = Autonomous, E = Estimated (dead
reckoning), V = Data not valid (including standby)
50Hz output requires 50Hz-capable firmware plus 50Hz activation
For more information on the $JATT,NMEAHE command refer to the