Getting GPS Location
GPS Coordinates & Speed
Send an SMS with “
The GPS will reply with an SMS containing the location of the vehicle in GPS coordinates, current
speed and the time.
This function is very useful to know if your car is moving at the current time. You can use it in
conjunction with the next Google Maps command to firstly know the speed, and once it is
stopped, check the location.
GPS Google Maps Link
Send an SMS with “
The GPS will reply with an SMS containing a Google Maps link showing the current position of
your vehicle.
GPS Modes & Functions
The GPS Tracker has two modes, Tracking mode, and Monitoring mode. When you dial the GPS unit
from one of the SOS numbers, it will ring for approximately 10 seconds and then enter monitoring
mode, connecting you to the microphone in the car so you can listen in!
Tracking Mode
This is the default mode of the GPS Tracker when it is setup and remains the default even if you
activate Monitoring Mode from an SOS number.
Simply send another SMS to the unit after using Monitoring Mode and it will respond as normal.
Monitor Mode
Monitor mode allows you to utilise the microphone function of the GPS. If you are in a situation
where the car has been stolen, active the voice recorder on your mobile before calling and this
will enable you to record the audio (works on most phones, but some may require an app)
Call the GPS unit from a registered SOS number.
It will ring for approximately 10 seconds just like a normal phone and then enter listening mode
using the microphone.
If the GPS continues to ring and goes to voicemail or disconnects, this may indicate that the
number you are calling from is not a registered SOS number. Use the SOS setup commands to
ensure you are registered.
The SIM Card in the phone calling the GPS Unit must have Called ID enables and cannot be
a Private Number.