©2017 Johnson Level & Tool
1-Point Pythagoras Measurement Mode
This Laser Distance Meter is equipped with
an angle sensor that can be used to both
quickly check an angle (like a digital level) or
to make more advanced 1-point Pythagoras
calculations with only one measured length reference. The 1-Point
Pythagoras mode uses mathematical relationships to calculate a
distance that cannot otherwise be measured directly by measuring the
angle of the tool and the length of a triangle hypotenuse.
To use the 1-Point Partial Pythagoras measurement mode:
1. Press the button 6 times until the Pythagoras mode icon ( )
displays near the top left of the LCD screen and the current value
for the angle is displayed as XX.X°.
2. After selecting the desired unit of measure and reference position,
aim the Laser Distance Meter so that the laser dot is on the selected
target to measure the length of the hypotenuse. Hold the Laser
Distance Meter so that the bottom edge of the tool is roughly
horizontal for the most accurate results.
3. Keep your position stable and press the button. The angle
measured will appear above the main display.
4. A length result will be shown on the main screen, and the triangle
in the Pythagoras Measurements indicator will flash one leg of the
triangle. The measurement result shown corresponds to that length
of the triangle you measured (height, width or hypotenuse). Press the
or button to toggle through the different sides of the triangle.
5. Press the button to clear the display and take your next
1-Point Pythagoras measurement.
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