Table 2: Network Engine LEDs designation, normal status, description, and other conditions
Descriptions/Other Conditions
Varies (see
next column)
Flicker = Data traffic between network engines. For a network
engine that is not a Site Director, this LED indicates regular
heartbeat communications with the Site Director. For a Site
Director network engine, flashes are more frequent and
indicate heartbeat communications from all other network
engines on the site. For a single network engine on a network
without an ADS, there is no flicker.
Run (Green)
On Steady
On Steady = network engine software is running.
On 1 second, Off 1 second = network engine software is in
startup mode.
On 0.5 seconds, Off 0.5 seconds = network engine software is
shutting down.
Off Steady = Operating system is shutting down or software is
not running.
24 VAC (Green)
On Steady
On Steady = 24 VAC power is present.
Off Steady = Loss of 24 VAC power. In the Off Steady condition,
the network engine can be running on battery power. Also see
BATT FAULT (Red) Off Steady
On Steady = Battery fault. Replace the battery. Battery is not
connected or cannot be charged. The BATT FAULT LED may
remain On for up to 24 hours after initially powering on the
network engine. If the BATT FAULT LED remains on longer than
48 hours after initially powering on the network engine, check
the battery connection or replace the battery.
GENL FAULT (Red) Off Steady
On Steady = General Fault. Fault conditions are user
configurable in software. Preconfigured fault conditions
include excessive memory use, excessive flash use, excessive
CPU or PWB temperature, and Battery Fault. In normal
operation, the GENL FAULT LED stays on steady for the first
half of the startup sequence.
NAE55/NIE55 Installation Guide