Place the outer firebox in front of the prepared opening. Wrap the sides and back of the fire with the fibre
insulation and hold this in place with tape.
Two layers of white ceramic insulation should be placed across
the top of the outer firebox relieving around the area for the flue adaptor.
This is to allow for expansion and
contraction and
to protect the wall above from excess heat
Slide the outer firebox into position in the prepared recess, taking care not to snag the insulation on the sides/
top of the opening.
Note: -
If an external primary air supply is to be used then the knockout in the rear of the outer box must be first
removed before fitting the outer box into the opening. Then, depending on the route of the flexible pipe a hole or
clearance needs to be made behind the outer box to accommodate the pipe routing it to external air.
Larger voids around the box can be filled with a non-combustible insulation.
Once in position fix the outer box by drilling through the fixing holes located in the base and screw/bolt to the
base of the opening using suitable fixings.
Infilling above the Outer Box
Where the opening is significantly higher than the outer firebox, the space may be filled by brickwork. Place a
layer of
the white ceramic
insulation beneath the bricks to provide an expansion joint on top of the outer firebox
in front of the adaptor to allow for expansion and contraction and to protect the wall above from excess heat. If
more than three or four courses of brick are needed, these should be supported on a lintel or steel bar between
the jambs.
Where slate or marble slips are used, these should be placed behind to form a sliding contact and thus allow for
the expansion of the fire. Do not allow slips, marble, plaster or brickwork etc to abut the edge of the frame or to
have direct contact with the firebox as expansion of the fire may cause them to crack. Use a strip of insulation
as an expansion joint where necessary.
Fitting Hot Air Ducts (Optional Extra)
Hot air from around the convector box can be taken to another area within the room or to another room. If this
is required then an optional air ducting kit is available (see page 8). This must be fitted at the time that the outer
firebox is being fitted.
Use the bolts to attach the spigots to the outer box. A 10mm socket will make this easier. The
150mm flexible
pipe can then be attached to the spigot with one of the clamps. The other end of the flexible pipe can be
positioned where the air grille will be located and attached to the back of the grille with the other clamp. The
flexible pipe may be trimmed if required to suit the route length.
Hot air ducting kit
Hot air duct attached to side of outer box