launching kymera
- Adult supervision is required
Ensure a USCG approved life vest is properly worn and secured before entering the water.
Verify the hatches are secured and place the board in the water. Once in knee to waist deep
water press up and down on the tail of the board repeatedly, flushing water through the pump
clearing any sand or debris that may have entered. This critical step will prevent damage from
scoring the inside of the pump housing.
Once flushed, with both hatches secured, veridy your lifejacket is secured and you are free to
board from either side of the rear. Pulling yourself center of the board, the knee pockets at the
rear will help with proper placement. The handles can be used to adjust your position but be
minidful of the throttle trigger located on the right handle is not inadvertently activated.
Once comfortable, gently pull the throttle located on the right handle and the board will begin to
move forward. A quick glance on the right and left side of the board to verify cooling water flow.
A small stream of water on either side should be visible coming from small silver fittings on the
riding kymera
- Adult supervision is required
Be mindful of your surroundings and distance to shore.
should never be operated
further from the shore than the riders physical ability to swim unless a support vessel is present.
Steering the board is accomplished with a combination of shifting weight and foot placement
(acting as rudders).
At low speed the riders weight should be shifted further to the tail and will require more foot
rudder steering. Having the weight further back will also lift the nose and prevent submersion
while improving steering.
As the board picks up speed, the rider should shift their weight forward proportionate to speed.
IE at full power a riders best position is typically will their chest all the way to or near the front
When slowing down do so progressively, and shift your weight back towards the tail to avoid
water coming over the bow.
Keep in mind the board will react differently depending on how the riders weight is shifted both