problems during use
If for any reason you believe your battery may have become damaged, do not attempt to open
or modify it in any way. Discontinue use, move it to a safe location if possible and contact your
representative for assistance.
If for any reason moisture is found in the electronics housing do not attempt to open or modify
it in any way. Discontinue use and contact your local
representative for assistance.
If at any time during operation there is a noise or reduction of power that seems out of place,
reduce power and return to the nearest safe shore location.
When in doubt, power the board off and wait 10 seconds, power it back on and proceed if
In some instances, the pump may become fouled with debris, before attempting to remove any
such obstruction the board must be powered off and battery completely removed from the
board to ensure the pump can be accessed safely.
If at anytime while riding there is a loss of power, remain calm and move from the prone to
seated position on the board to improve your visibility on the water. Scan the area around to
ensure you are in a safe place.
Once safe and seated open the front hatch of the board and check the position of the power
switch. This switch also serves as the system breaker. Should the system become over taxed,
either by obstructed jet or other issues this switch will automatically flip to off to protect the
system. Reset the breaker by opening and reclosing.
In some cases it may require a few minutes to cool off before it will reset. Once reset you will
again hear the arming tones and the board should be ready to use. Proceed with caution and
slowly return to a safe location on shore. Once there, power down the system, remove the
battery and verify the pump is clear of obstruction. Once confirmed clear, with the battery still
removed, remove the rear hatch and manually turn the motor / shaft to ensure it turns freely.
Every effort should be make to prevent submerging the front hatch of the board. Doing so will
result in taking on water reducing performance and in the worst case scenario, exceeding the
bilge drain capacity resulting in a loss in flotation sinking the board.