9. 1. 1 Integrating a new master device
To integrate a new master device into the
JPC 100-WEB interface, proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the JPC 100-WEB is con-
nected to the master device via Ethernet.
2. Open the device configuration using the
button on the start page.
3. In the drop-down menu, select under
which of the four available master de-
vices the new device should be stored.
(The first position is reserved for the
JPC 100-WEB as the master.)
4. Configure the name and communication
settings (TCP/IP and Modbus).
22) to configure which measured val-
ues are displayed on the start page.
Activate/deactivate the link to
the device homepage in the measured
value details. (Only for measurement
devices with a device homepage.)
7. Save the configuration.
The master device is now displayed on the
start page. To learn how to integrate slave
devices connected to the JPC 100-WEB, see
9. 2. 1. on page 25
9. 1. 2 Using the JPC 100-WEB as a mas-
ter device
You can use the JPC 100-WEB itself as a
master device by means of the built-in RS-
485 interface.
1. Open the master device configuration.
2. Select the first option from the drop-
down menu.
3. Activate the master device via the check-
4. Select the baud rate used in the bus from
the drop-down list.
5. Save the configuration.
The master device is now displayed on the
start page. To learn how to integrate slave
devices connected to the JPC 100-WEB,
see 9. 2. 1 Integrating a new slave device on
page 25